Perla Nazionale Katy Perry vs. Paris Hilton - Nothing in Hot N Cold MASH UP! THATS HOT!!!❤ FABI OLLU Annalisa vs. Madonna - Mon Amour Sorry MASHUP Bella storia! viva la libertà e la f.......💃💃🕺🕺👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🎼🎹 Davide Genco Loredana Bertè vs. Bob Marley - E la Luna Stand Up MASHUP Fantastica ❤❤❤

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Does A Woman Help Progression In Music?

today24 Marzo 2020 8

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As festival season rapidly rolls in, we’re constantly being reminded of the continuing lack of diversity on our lineups. With a recent study indicating 86 per cent of the lineups of 12 major music festivals last year including Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds and Creamfields were male, it seems that the ears at the top are still unwilling to break up the boys club that makes up our live music industry.

Without music, life would be a mistake.

That’s not to say the diversity – and demand – isn’t there. With collectives such as SIREN and Discwoman championing female talent in the electronic music scene, and artists such as Björk, Grimes and Kesha speaking out in defence of women’s rights in the industry, there’s never seemed a more appropriate time to shake up our lineups. One group unwilling to wait for the wider industry to take note is Sad Grrrls Club. Originally founded by Rachel Maria Cox as a record label and booking agency in order for them to support non-binary and female acts and challenge Australia’s male-dominated live music scene, Cox has grown the organisation from it’s DIY roots to fully fledged music festival taking place across two cities.

Inspired by the Riot Grrrl movement as well as Audrey Wollen’s Sad Girl Theory, Sad Grrrls Fest showcases bands and musicians that have at least one female or non-binary member. But are all-female lineups breaking down the gender divide, or widening it even further? Below we caught up with the festival’s founder to discuss safer space policies, reverse sexism and the power of expressing our emotions.

Written by: Oceanboy

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Nei miei mashup mi piace fondere diversi generi musicali in una sola traccia. Con oltre 10 anni di esperienza, ho sviluppato una tecnica che mi consente di creare nuove sonorità e di sorprendere il pubblico con brani unici ed emozionanti. La mia passione per la musica mi ha spinto a sperimentare con diversi generi, dal pop all’elettronica, dall’hip-hop al rock. Sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove sfide e di nuovi suoni da incorporare nei miei mashup. La mia missione è quella di creare una connessione tra i diversi generi e di regalare al pubblico un’esperienza musicale unica.

